La Jolla Presbyterian Church Sermons

It All Began In A Garden - Sermon for September 8th, 2024

La Jolla Presbyterian Church

It All Began In A Garden - This Sunday we embark on our new sermon series, "Cultivate: Lessons from the Land." Pastor Paul will kick off the series with a sermon titled "It All Began In A Garden," focusing on Genesis 2:4-9 and 15. In this passage, we revisit the Garden of Eden, where humanity first interacted with the land under God's directive. Here, God placed Adam not just to live in the garden, but to "work it and take care of it," establishing a foundational relationship between man and God through the medium of agriculture. This act of cultivation goes beyond merely tending to plants; it symbolizes the nurturing of our spiritual lives and relationships.

We want to connect with you! Email Pastor Chad at to get plugged in or you can find our website at We hope to see lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus, and we strive to be a place where you experience and are able to express that transforming love of Christ.

It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at