La Jolla Presbyterian Church Sermons

Resisting The Prophet - Sermon for March 3rd, 2024

La Jolla Presbyterian Church

Resisting The Prophet - This Sunday, Pastor Scott takes us further into our "Prophet, Priest, & King" series with a sermon titled "Resisting The Prophet," focusing on Mark 6:1-6. In this passage, we encounter Jesus as He returns to His hometown of Nazareth, only to be met with skepticism and disbelief by those who had known Him longest. Despite witnessing His wisdom and miraculous deeds, His own people could not reconcile the Jesus they knew with the Prophet and Messiah He truly was. This sermon challenges us to examine our own hearts and minds: Are there ways in which we resist the prophets God sends into our lives? How does our familiarity with the Christian story, or our preconceived notions of who Jesus is, hinder our ability to hear His voice and follow Him fully today?

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It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at