La Jolla Presbyterian Church Sermons

A Prophet in Our Midst - Sermon for February 25, 2024

La Jolla Presbyterian Church

A Prophet in Our Midst - As we continue our Lenten journey through the "Prophet, Priest, & King" series, Pastor Paul is looking at Luke 7:11-17. This passage vividly narrates the compassion and power of Jesus as He raises a widow's son from the dead. In this profound event, Jesus demonstrates the essence of His prophetic ministry—bringing hope to the hopeless, life to the lifeless, and speaking the very words of God into the brokenness of humanity. Pastor Paul will explore how Jesus, as a Prophet, challenges, comforts, and calls us to a deeper faith and a more committed discipleship.

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It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at